Well done. Maybe will take some ideas in account while modding mainstream yapb. :)
Some notes: * Setting corret v_angle in FacePos() while want's to fire - is a bit cheating. * GenBonePosition & ENGINE_CHEC_VISIBILITY - are really SLOOOOW, your bot causes much fps drops because of that.
about the facepos, because my fd think need improve yapb gun attack..
and about GET_BONE_POSITION, I know this to get model head origin only... In Zombie Mode, have more 'Big' Zombie Mode..... Do you know How can get head origin?? thx :)
and ENGINE_CHECK_VISIBILITY, I think use more TraceLine check visibility will drop the fps... (not sure)
Well done. Maybe will take some ideas in account while modding mainstream yapb. :)
回覆刪除Some notes:
* Setting corret v_angle in FacePos() while want's to fire - is a bit cheating.
* GenBonePosition & ENGINE_CHEC_VISIBILITY - are really SLOOOOW, your bot causes much fps drops because of that.
thx for your idea :)
刪除about the facepos, because my fd think need improve yapb gun attack..
and about
GET_BONE_POSITION, I know this to get model head origin only...
In Zombie Mode, have more 'Big' Zombie Mode.....
Do you know How can get head origin?? thx :)
I think use more TraceLine check visibility will drop the fps... (not sure)
Can you email me? mikeg2342001@outlook.com