SwNPC Beta 1.42 Preview Version 1
(Build: 1.42.31657.80)
Download: http://1drv.ms/1NgzOqW
!!!Preview version not support Windows XP!!!
What is SwNPC?
This is a NPC System, And the system use SyPB Waypoint
You may use the system dev your NPC Mode
Lastly, This need SyPB Beta 1.42 Preview Version 2
If have not run SyPB, SwNPC cannot work!
(Build: 1.42.31657.80)
Download: http://1drv.ms/1NgzOqW
!!!Preview version not support Windows XP!!!
What is SwNPC?
This is a NPC System, And the system use SyPB Waypoint
You may use the system dev your NPC Mode
Lastly, This need SyPB Beta 1.42 Preview Version 2
If have not run SyPB, SwNPC cannot work!